
In one of those moments
which you crave so much 
and seldom get
where all you hear is your heartbeat,
all you see what the moon illuminates,
you remember and for no reason
all the plans, that won't work,
yet made,
all the wishes, that won't come true,
yet expressed,
all the full hearted laughter
all the genuine smiles
just before they will be lost,

And you seek temporary refuge 
in these memories
from the reality you face

So by the time moon sets
and the sounds of all the high-fives,
still fresh in your mind tell you
How I also feel the same
that you wish to transgress all limits
jump over all the walls
to retrieve all that was lost
to distance and time
and before the first step
the call to prayer comes just in time
to stop you from aberrance.

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